Monday, June 25, 2007

"Helloooo Toast!"*

We are yuppies.

I know, I know - this is no shock to you. Unfortunately, we are Broke Yuppies with a love of Gadgets.

Eric has been on a severely restricted Gadget Diet for the last few years and is feeling the pain. However, it has also given him a lot more time to do things like research a product to death, until it finally goes on Sale somewhere, at a price he can justify spending money on.

As you may (not) remember, we had a Toaster Incident last October. Ever since then, we've kept a close eye on the toaster, complaining all the while about how it does a poor job of it's main function: toasting bread.

Eric's research finally led him to this Convection Toaster Oven Broiler by Cuisinart.
The price was crazy though. How do you justify that much money on a toaster? Well, unless you have the Yuppie Monie (tm), you don't. So we waited and re-toasted our bread, watching out for flames, throwing out the seriously burnt pieces.

A couple of days ago, however, all of that changed. Forever. There it was! The Convection Toaster Oven Broiler (could this thing have a longer name?) at Costco! For almost half the price! Aieee! So we bought it and brought it home. Eric lovingly set it up and then read the manual to me.

That's right - he read the manual. And made me laugh for 30 minutes, just talking about a toaster (Jimmy Neutron's dad would approve.). Our Toasting Experience (tm) has changed forever! Perfect toast! Up to 6 slices (OK, it really only has room for 4 slices of regular bread, but 6 slices of English Muffins.) at a time! Perfectly toasted! Settings for defrosting your bagel and then toasting it! Ensuring that it's actually toasted instead of dark brown outside while still frozen in the center.

It is, Friendly Friends, a Toasting Miracle. Can I get an Ayyy-men?!

Then, after giggling with the silliness inherent in being this excited over a bloody toaster, we started wondering about Food Scientists and the person whose job it is at Cuisinart to determine that Perfect Toast takes 4 minutes, 32 seconds and not a moment longer. Food Scientist. How cool is that?

* Ooblar from Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.

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