Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Caitlin goes to kindergarden

Originally emailed on 8/25/06.

Today is Caitlin's first day of school. A long time coming, but here it is. I feel kinda funny - not weepy, but sorta edgy like there's a test that I'm taking and am not certain how I'll do. You should have seen me trying to put her hair into pigtails this morning. I thought everything depended on it! Ack!

Caitlin is enrolled at our local elementary school, which is about 7/10ths of a mile from here, so we walked to school. It was overcast and cool, not the weather one would typically expect in late August, so it was a nice walk. Excitement was in the air. And yes, I AM going to deluge you with photos. How could I not?!

Caitlin goes to school. We bought her a ginormous purple knapsack. I pat myself on the back repeatedly that it wasn't either covered in Disney Princesses or something equally insipid. American girls are supposed to be physically drawn to pink and anyone wearing a crown, I guess. Caitlin saw the purple (plain) knapsack and wanted it even though there were other colors available. I was willing to buy her a Power Puffs pack if they'd had one, but nope! Dora was as close as they came.
We tried to talk her out of dress shoes, but she wasn't having it. Instead we compromised by tossing her sneakers into the capacious interior of the knapsack.

Caitlin shows off her brand spankin' new laptop lunchbox.

Here's what's inside:

Bet you wish your lunch looked as good! Mediterranean Chicken Pita, cheddar cheese, a small container of lowfat plain yogurt for dipping the pita in, sugar snap peas and homegrown cherry tomatoes and a lovely organic peach from Morton's Orchards. (Thanks Heather!) The set comes with a tiny fork, spoon and water bottle.

I even made Caitlin her very own napkin, because I'm like that and what else should I have been doing at 9:30pm last night? Two and a half hours for 2 napkins. Ugh! Did I mention that I'm ROTTEN with a sewing machine? We fought a LOT over making straight lines. Eric suggested it was because the machine wasn't strong enough to punch through several layers of cloth in the corners. I just think the machine hates me for my sewing ignorance.

Yes I am desperately hoping that Caitlin won't lose any of it. Why do you ask? Eek!

Here we are at the school (Realized later I should have taken the pictures in front of the school sign...oh well!) with Sue, who made the official Walk To School journey with us! Yay Sue!

A rare picture of the three of us. Taken by Sue. Thanks, Sue!

The 8am bell/tone went off and then it was time to line up to go off to K-care (sort of organized play time before school). Wow. How did we get here? How did she grow up so fast? She still looks so little!

And then, off she went, into the unknown, lugging her giant pack behind her.

That's my girl!

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