Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One day...

I will start writing regularly again.

I'll get my mojo back.

I'll stop having migraines.

I'll have a clean house.

I'll have free time.

I'll be in shape again.

However, that day is not today.


Valerie said...

And for me tomorrow isn't looking so good either...


Yvonne Montgomery said...

Don't beat up on yourself. There are plenty of jerks out there who'll do it for you. You are a goddess, and as such you get to slack off now and again. The world will still spin in its orbit and all will be well. Love and hugs--

Saffa Chick said...

Bad day, huh?

Hang in there. It's got to get better!

Suburban Correspondent said...

I hate migraines. I finally discovered that simple OTC headache medicine (with caffeine) works really well. So far, anyway...

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