Turns out dad's not up to traveling anywhere anymore.
Thus the abrupt about face on the topic and all 5 of us getting up and out with our 2 car seats, 1 booster seat, 1 giant rolling suitcase, 2 smaller rolling suitcases, a giant baby bag, a computer bag, 2 umbrella strollers and Caitlin's knapsack. Plus a whiny 8 year old ("I'm bored!" Girl, we're just on the BUS leaving the airport PARKING AREA. Can you hold the whining for the moment?!), twins that don't care to be strapped into their umbrella strollers and two adults loaded down like pack mules. This is the part that I loathe. Fortunately we can put the big heavy stuff in the care of the airline and then just lug the twins, strollers, Caitlin, and carry-ons around.
And this is us traveling light. At least, as light as we can.
So we make it through security (Hey, guess what? The security level is still at Orange. Which still doesn't mean a damned thing.) with a minimum of screaming and get on the plane when we realize that in all of the frenzy we didn't pack any toys or books for the twins. Um...snacks I have, plus water bottles. No toys. So I spent the better part of the first flight making the inflight magazine as fascinating as possible for Emma. Eric had Logan, so I assume they were discussing the finer points of computer programming or something. Since I had the snacks, Emma was happy.
They all travel pretty well, those kids. There were only two incidents of screaming and once Emma told me "Ears! Ears!", I was able to resolve that problem with the rapid application of chocolate chips. To eat, you see. Popped her ear drums very nicely and kept her occupied.
So we made it to Canada, with all of our children and all of our gear. Mom and dad met us at the airport and we all piled into this e-NOR-mous vehicle they rented. It was bigger than a small moon and had not one but two DVD players mounted into the roof, seating for 7 and heating controls to make just about everyone perfectly happy. It handled like a pregnant yak, but boy did it ever fit everyone nicely! We dropped mom and dad off at their place and then drove over to Cindy's house where we woke almost everyone up upon our arrival at TWO A.M. local time. Yup. Fortunately, she forgave me for that and for bringing sniffly germ-ridden twins to stay at her house for a week.

And yes that is yet another black eye. Sigh. He fell on a toy truck. Face first.
The twins were excited to have Natasha to play with...
and all of her toys.
My nephew Daniel was thrilled to see Caitlin again and they two spent alot of time together doing this:
Caitlin also enjoyed playing with buckets of toys that weren't hers and reading tons of books she'd never seen before.
Cindy has this ingenious device across the doorway beween the living room and the kitchen.
I believe it's called a "gate". I totally want one that will keep the twins out of MY kitchen.
So we squeezed 4 adults and 5 kids into Cindy's 3 bedroom house and it was great.

We hung around, talked, and ate. I got suckered into reading Twilight and the other three books in the series because Cindy made me. Then she made me watch the movie. It's totally all her fault. Yup.
The fudge, peppermint bark and all of the jam I brought all made it there in one piece, so I handed it all out as early Xmas presents. Cindy cooked up a storm, made some really awesome Amish bread and put up with me making a mess in her kitchen to make some AB5M Challah bread, cinnamon muffins and rolls from the same batch of dough. (I love how versatile that stuff is!) We didn't really go anywhere, other than grocery shopping. We didn't really do anything other than hang out.
It was good.
Mom and dad came over to visit a couple of times.
The kids wreak havoc on my father's nerves with the Alzheimer's thing going on, so they don't tend to stay for very long.
We celebrated a late Turkey Day on Friday, since Jason was working on Thursday. Mom brought tons of food because that's what she does. A turkey AND a roast beef. And stuffing and chips and several sides. Also, dessert and rolls that a friend at church gave her since they knew we were coming. We were swimming in food.
Emma clearly is practicing her wheedling skills on my mom in this picture. I don't know what she wanted, but I'm pretty sure that my mom gave it to her.
It struck me, after dinner was over, that if I didn't take some pictures quick, I'd completely miss the chance since we would be leaving at 3 a.m. So I started snapping away.
Turns out that Daniel isn't overly excited to have his picture taken.
We had to threaten him with dire consequences, so this is the only picture I have of all five of them together.

Because, of course, once Daniel was ready, Logan was done.

Finally, after everyone was gone, I realized that I didn't have a single picture of Cindy and I together. Until now.
There you have it. A week in Canada, in the rain, celebrating the American Thanksgiving and hanging out with my family. I can hardly wait to do it again next year!
Thanks so much for having us Cindy! You're a rock star!
1 comment:
So, one thing I adore about the photos you put up (aside from the fact that your twins, despite being hell on your nerves are cute as heck) are the dialogues. The choklits, etc. Love that. Totally kid-speak.
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