Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Color me unsurprised!

Went to the doctor today to get a blood draw to prove to the school that I'm pregnant. The interview went something like this:

Young woman: Date of your last cycle?
Me: January 2nd
YW: Deliberate or accidental pregnancy?
Me: Oh, deliberate.
YW: Any birth control used?
Me: (Wondering) Why would she ask that if I just mentioned this was deliberate? (Out loud) None.
YW: You realize that your cycle isn't late yet, don't you?
Me: Actually, it is.
YW: But it can't be if your last one was 1/2!
Me: Strangely enough, it can be.
YW: (Disbelievingly) And you took a home pregnancy test? And it was positive?
Me: Oh yes.
YW: But...? (She clearly thinks I'm insane. How can I possibly know that I'm pregnant if my period, according to the "standard" cycle of 28 days has not passed? How can I possibly know what I'm talking about? I'm not a Trained Professional, as she is!)
Me: You're going to have to trust me on this. I'm late. And I'm pregnant.
YW: (Baffled) OK, follow me and we'll get your blood drawn.
Me: (Disturbed and silent) Blood? Whatever happened to pee in a cup? Eek! Oh well. This is the beginning of a long series of pokings and proddings for this pregnancy. Better get used to it!

Much later that day, they called to tell me...Taaah daaah! that I'm pregnant!

Wow! Such a relief! (Drip, drip, drip goes the sarcasm.)

The woman on the phone clearly had the voice of a Professional Therapist. Sweet and mellow. I could tell that she was glad I was one of the few that wanted to hear a positive outcome.

And I didn't even get psychotically angry at the Young Woman for not believing me! Must be the Grape-Nuts.

And then I passed out for 3 hours. The exhaustion! It's sucking entire days away!!


Scylla said...

Yeah... can't blame you there. The sleeping was a big thing for me too.

I also knew I was pregnant two weeks before I was supposed to, after all, we were trying, and I was sitting at Dinner eating an entire side dish of Kalamata Olives... which I hate! Really, there was no further proof necessary for me.

You would think that people would be willing to believe that you might know your body well enough to know if you are preggers or not. It's not like were 15 and have never done this before.

Woman with a Hatchet said...

Nah. You're assuming that other people, without a direct personal knowledge of you, would respect you as the default.

That's crazy talk!

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