Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If I ever...

decide to write a book about, you know, all this [Wild gesture to encompass crazy household of 2 year old twins, 8 year old girl , 2 cats, 1 husband, several thousand plants and a dying, weed infested lawn and the skeletal remains of a vegetable garden.] I have a title.

You know, in case I can ever sit down and write anything. Also assuming anyone would read such drivel.

The title?

Remain Calm.

Don't steal it. It's totally mine.

I'm warnin' ya!


Madge said...

oh yeah. i just walk around with that in the back of my head all day. some day i am actually going to pay attention to it...

ellen said...

Great title! Words to live by, Remain Calm.

Anonymous said...

Not only would I buy a copy for myself, but I would buy copies for my friends!! I know it would be a great read written by a very talented author. Let me know when you publish.


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