Friday, March 02, 2007

Still Waiting for Spring

It stopped snowing for about a week. We had balmy temperatures in the 60s. I got to go outside and look at my itty bitty plants pushing their way up out of the ground.


Soothing green visions for the soul.

Then it snowed again.

Razza frazza fricka frat!

We need the snow. We need the water. I know. I know! But I am so damned over it! Can we just get on the with spring thing now? I want plants. And hummingbirds. And flowers. Mostly, warm sunshine and the ability to walk outside without whining about how cold it is.

On the bright side, that little window of warm melt showed me that my plants are okay and growing. Now I just have to wait a little more. Must be time to start a million more from seed.

I think I'll go do just that.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, sister! I have actually been depressed -- something unheard of for me -- because of this weather we've had since DECEMBER. Depressed to the point of thinking about moving somewhere like Miami, and watching horrible TV shows in order to avoid looking out the window. I never believed in Seasonal Disaffective Disorder, but now I do!! Give me some SUN and HEAT and FLOWERS!! :-) It's about damned time. I feel like somewhat of a traitor, given how well Colorado weather has treated me for 17+ years...but there's only so much a person can take (is global warming turning Boulder into Detroit?? God forbid!)

Scylla said...

Hang in there, and don't plan any outdoor events. In fact, plan a huge indoor event that would be much easier outdoors so the weather can clear up just in time and you can say "darn, if only I'd known the weather was going to be this nice, I would have planned this event outside!"

After all, perversity is the hallmark of Colorado weather.

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