Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pregnancy and Gaming

I was reading a comic done by gamers that I had to share.

Penny Arcade has some very funny and bizarre comics. I have to admit that geek though I am, I don't get all of them since I don't have experience with all the games they refer to. I have to tell you though, the desire to eat unicorn has come upon me now and again.

Irrational food hatreds and sudden irrational food needs are part and parcel of being pregnant. I am totally guilty of making Eric drive to 3 different grocery stores to find just the right kind of doughnut. However, since I'm the one that's pregnant, he makes sacrifices for me.

I have to tell you though, the concept of a video game; a multiuser, online video game where you can get pregnant? What the hell? Bad enough it happens in Sims2, where you get to watch your tiny Sim throw up and eat like mad (I like how they spin around like whirling dervishes in order to give birth - if only!), but what exactly happens in Fable 2?

Must go find some unicorn meat - steak is losing its lustre!


Anonymous said...

Pickles, yes; unicorns, no. You don't want the baby to look like Volemort, right? Right.

Scylla said...

Yeah, the eating of the Unicorns is bad, though they do exist, according to the people on (Check it out, definately scary)

Lee has driven to two different fast food restaurants to get me the best fries and the best fake cheese sauce when my fat fake food and starch cravings hit, it is the role of the good husband.

Of course, my Dad did it when I was pregnant with Marlena, so that would be the role of the good father.

luckily I have wonderful men in my life.

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