Friday, February 16, 2007

Caitlin Says...

Sometimes kids pick up irritating habits after visiting friends. Especially friends with older siblings. Caitlin likes to those habits out on us, since she is currently lacking siblings to practice irritating behaviors on.

This morning, Eric was asking her for space but she wouldn't leave him be.

Finally he snapped, "Caitlin, stop it!"
"No, you stop it!" she snapped back.

Having had enough I escorted her to the door and kicked her out. Told her she could take her bad attitude elsewhere and shut the door behind her.

Some time later, I noticed a note had been passed under the door. Anticipating a Horrible Mommy note, I saw this:

"CAM DOWN MOM [heart drawing]
[Inside] CaM DOWN NOW MoM aND I Mae it"

I probably should have been angry. Instead, I burst into laughter and had to hand it to Eric silently, while still laughing and trying to breathe. After I stopped laughing so hard I went and gave her a hug and had a talk with her about talking back, but it was a lot nicer than it would have been without that note!

Oooh, that kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it only gets better as they get closer to the teenage years (dripping sarcasm).

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