Friday, April 10, 2009

Family Time

I turn your attention now, back to our NYC trip. We didn't just hang out with my family, but also managed to squeeze in some time with Eric's family while we were there.

And shoot a few pictures, of course.

Cousin Janet finally got to meet the twins in person and it was love at first sight.

She chased them all around and they squealed and giggled for her as much as anyone could want. They totally wrapped her around their little fingers and she enjoyed it immensely. We hope she comes out this summer or this fall (Second birthday party in September!) so she can continue her love affair in person.

Emma went on to work over Aunt Lenore, by demanding book reading.

Emma, as Caitlin before her, loves to read books and ask anyone and everyone to hold still and read her one. Lenore was happy to comply.

First, though, Emma nearly caused Lenore to have a heart attack...

by climbing on a chair.

Lenore would never survive a visit by Jenni's boys, I don't think. Heh! Eric and I almost finished her off by tossing Logan into the air, as we are wont to do. She had a conniption and we assured her that we are professional baby-tossers. We're sorry Lenore! They do like to fly, though.

Spin me faster!

After Emma settled into the chair, Lenore spent a good while spinning Emma around and around. Those babies do like to be dizzy!

A little later, Cousin Rob, his wife Margie, and the kids Aaron and Juliet showed up and broke into an impromptu concert on the violin and guitar.

That boy has talent! Clearly he takes after his dad.

Unfortunately, Juliet was sick, so she didn't get to hang out with Caitlin any. We're just glad we got the chance to say hello.

Pretty soon it was time to say goodbye and pile our circus into the rental car.
Janet, Caitlin, Eric, Logan, Aunt Lenore, Emma

Thanks for the lunch and all the loot, ladies! All of the babies send you a kiss!

The Hatchet Five with Aunt Lenore

Hope to see you in September!

1 comment:

Cousin Janet from NY said...

Wow I feel famous now!!! It's true my mom takes after her dad, Great Grampa Sam, in her over- reactions to baby tossing. Matthew knew, when he was small, that when ever Grampa GG came over, he was not to ride his big wheels at warp speed down the driveway. Love to all my little cousins!

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