Thursday, April 30, 2009

Breakfast Standing Up

If I ever decided to write a book about the insanity of twinning, I think that would be the title.

Either that or A Cold Cup of Tea.

How long does it take "normal" people to have a cup of tea in the morning? How about people with singletons? It's taking me anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to finish that first cup of tea. Oh and I'm not allowed to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner while sitting.

Sitting and eating, you see, is an offense against Those Who Are Not Sitting In Your Lap. Also, since they outnumber me, I can only put one in my lap and still eat or feed the lap winner. This leaves the second one standing next to me whining and crying. Excellent background music to aid the digestion, let me tell you!

One day, when these kids are all teenagers, I have every intention of sitting in their laps and stealing their dinner. You just wait!


screamish said...

..ooh I sympathize...I am having these very same issues lately....its getting OLD

Dawn said...

Please I'm lucky if I get a couple of sips of that morning nectar of caffeinedom and spend the rest of the day heating it up at work - consider yourself lucky if you get to finish it at all.

Madge said...

my kids are four years apart -- and now they are 7 and 10, but i remember the days when i wasn't allowed to finish a cup of coffee or eat sitting down. i know you don't believe me, but it does end....

elisava said...

it IS very frustrating. hazel and kate may not be twins, but they are only a couple years apart, and definately out-number me during the day.

on the other hand, due to never being able to eat more thana couple bites at a meal, i am down to my pre-first baby weight (if not tone, but i don't see that coming back without alot more time in the gym).

Red Flashlight said...

It's only fair. Teenagers need to be reminded of these things. A lot. Lest they think having one of their own before they turn 25 would be just loads of fun . . .

Drama Queen Jenner said...

I don't know how we trained ours to sit in a high chair and stay there, but it must have been before they knew better. Oh, and seatbelts they can't get out of. Very important. The crying will eventually go away.

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