Thursday, May 03, 2007

Doctor! Doctor!

Still two heartbeats in there! Looks like the amnio has had no lasting bad downside, other than a bizarre conversation with my mom, the feeling of having your uterus popped that won't fade and 3 holes that are healing quickly and fading fast.

Today, I experience the world's fastest doctor visit...

So tell me why I bother showing up 5 minutes early if they are going to make me wait 30 minutes just so I can see a nurse to get my weight and blood pressure, wait another 5-7 minutes for the doctor to show up and only then do I get a fundal measurement and doppler for heartbeats. Man! With my own damned tape measure and a doppler I could've phoned that one in!

She asked if I had any questions and really, I don't. I've been doing a lot of reading (you know, you've been subjected to it!) and if they aren't going to actually offer me advice or suggested reading...what am I supposed to ask them about? I did have to ask if perhaps I should see a specialist since I'm all "high risk" and such and the answer was "No, actually."

Turns out that for being in the high risk pool, I'm apparently wading around in the low risk end of it! Second pregnancy after successful live birth, fraternal twins (thus removing the twin to twin transfusion issue - icky!) and I'm apparently gaining enough weight steadily that they don't feel the need to either mention more eating or slowing down. They don't seem particularly concerned with my twinnage and my "advanced age". Then again, they did mention that I'm right in the middle of the pack of preggers they normally see, if not in the low end of the age spectrum. Huh. I'm a low risk/high risk pregnancy.

I'm a conundrum!

I like it!

  • Weight: +28 lb
  • Fundal height: 26 in.
  • Stage: 17 weeks

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