Thursday, May 17, 2007

Emma and Logan*

The Preggosaurus walks into the room and lays down on the slightly padded flat surface. Her engorged midsection is covered in blue goo. A strange device is laid against the blue goo covered, engorged midsection and the lights dim...

...and the screen flickers to life...

...and once again we take on the role of fetus voyeurs - peering, judging, measuring, exclaiming and even laughing.

"There's your sister!" Preggosaurus says to the Caitlin-a-saurus. She looks up once and then returns to her excited study of the underside of the Preggosaurus' supportive flat surface.

"Don't touch anything." The threatening whisper emerges from the throat of the Daddy-o-saurus who is distracted from the events unfolding on screen.

The exam continues. The Preggosaurus tries not to think about her very full bladder and concentrates on the pictures. Her hips start to ache; laying on your back without moving gets uncomfortable fast.

Things keep looking good. Spines inside skin. Heart: 4 chambered. Kidneys: 2. Stomach: 1 (each). Brains: inside tiny plum-sized skulls (Yummmm...plums!). All 8 arms and legs accounted for, again (I'm having an octopus!). Placentas: fused. Membrane between amniotic sacs, still in place. Heart rates, femurs, humeruses (i?), skulls, stomachs, spaces in the skull, spaces in the spine, amount of fluid in the sacs - all measured. All systems are GO! All data is within the normal range - for singletons! Apparently all of the eating every 2 hours is paying off.

Logan Reid is somewhere around 13 oz and appears to be at 20 weeks developmentally. Emma Rayne is slightly smaller (the Daddy-o-saurus failed to keep her data stored in his brainpan), appearing to be 19 weeks 6 days developmentally. They both appear to be at 20 weeks and 20 weeks 1 day gestationally. No, I have no idea how they determine those numbers. I just know that it sounds like one egg may have technically dropped the day before the other one and that Logan is beginning to out weigh his sister, if only by a wee bit, but that both of them weigh just as much as they should if they were each singletons. That was the single most gratifying piece of news to come out of the visit (other than the prime news of They're still OK).

Logan, however, is already in trouble. He was caught, on film, kicking his sister in the head! Tiny complaints were heard:

"He's kicking me!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"You're laying too close to me!"
"Maaaaaaahm! He's touching me!"

They were laying yin/yang to one another and thus the kicking in the head was not only possible, but inevitable. Emma was curled up facing downward, as if she was trying to protect her tiny skull.

Terrible scanned ultrasound pictures? Of course!

Unfortunately, the shot of him kicking her in the head didn't scan well at all, so you'll just have to see it in person.

The picture, not him actually kicking her in the head!

You'll have to wait a few more months to experience that one live!

* Whatever happened to Brandon, you wonder? Eric nixed it since the idea was to use a name from his side of the family depending on whether it was a boy or a girl. Once it was determined that there was one of each he said he felt funny naming them both Emma and Brandon. Thus the name change! I think I'm going to be calling him know, just as a nickname. Hopefully he won't stop growing at 5', won't be hairy or develop claws. Mutant healing powers would be nice, though. I am totally cool with him fighting evil.

1 comment:

Scylla said...

Woman, if you are going to link to Wolverine, link to Hugh Jackman for the love of all things beautiful!!

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