Friday, April 06, 2007

Watching Misty

If we all continue to watch Misty, will she never come to a "boil"?

When I was at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, the doc mentioned bed rest as something that usually occurs for twin births around 32-36 weeks. The reason for this, she explained, was that "The uterus is stupid." It has no idea how many babies are in there, so it goes to a certain size and then yells, "Ding! Everybody out!" and ejects the contents. I don't know how likely this is to happen to me, since I've already had one child. One could posit that my uterus has already been stretched and maybe I'll have a little more leeway.

On the other hand, I had to ask about Misty. Now Misty has already had a previous birth and Marlena weighed in at 9lbs. So, pretty stretchy. Oliver, on the other hand, is looking to weigh in around 11 or 12 lbs (OUCH! Sorry, Misty!). Why hasn't she gone into labor yet? "Well," replied my doctor, "Like I said, the uterus is stupid and sometimes it goes the other way and won't let go at all."


We can't win for losing around here in Pregnancy Land. All of these rules apply, at least until they suddenly don't. You know, things like
  1. You show faster during your second pregnancy.
  2. You gain weight faster during your second pregnancy.
  3. Every pregnancy is different.
  4. Many people experience morning sickness with girls (except, of course, when they experience it with boys).
  5. Swelling is normal!

You know, except for when it isn't. Like when you're having twins.

Or when your son has set up permanent residency in your gut.

I'm sorry, Misty! Out Oliver! Out!

1 comment:

Scylla said...

A watched Misty never births.... hmm.. that's a new platitude.

But so far an honest one!

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