Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, Caitlin!

It's good to be the Queen.

Caitlin had an excellent birthday. Snuggles in the morning, breakfast of buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream on request. Hanging out with the folks. Lunch at Red Robin, where the wait staff sings to you a bizarre non-copyright encroaching version of the Birthday Song and you get a balloon and a sundae.

After that, we waddled over to the local library and picked up a stack of books. Upon returning home, we read a little and then went to go pick up Pop-Pop and Nana-Sue for our trip down to Denver for dinner at Steuben's with Grammy, Grampy and Max, before the big show.

Picking up Pop-Pop and Nana-Sue. This is what being six looks like at our house.
Waiting to be seated at Steuben's. Hilarity ensued.
Linda and Jim. Professional grandparents - they've just spent the past month entertaining Caitlin for a week, then 3 days off; Caitlin and Max for a week and possibly 2 days off. Now they have Max and Axl for 4 days or so. Then, a massage. Possibly heavy drinking. Whew!
Me with my own personal table. Jim is constantly amazed at my medicine ball and had to take a picture of my ginormousness. There's no getting around it: I'm huge.
Cousinly hugging and squishing.
Max showing me his acid green gum. That's a tattoo on his neck. This boy is into tattoos.
Caitlin opens her present from Grammy as Max looks on.
Caitlin's latest acquisition: a new Webkins kitty. Much hugging followed.
Eric with kitty. Caitlin cackled like mad and scurried away after putting it on his head. Six years old, what a sense of humor! Aiee!
Working on a collaborative art piece. Caitlin reviews Max's use of negative space.
Good friends and cousins. I suspect Max will have to make his friends form lines for when they want to meet Caitlin during visits in oh, 9 years. Maybe he can sell tickets?
Chatting after dinner. I had an egg cream. Or two. Hey! I'm eating for 3 here!
Herb and Linda, the day after their 43rd anniversary. Errr...their potential 43rd anniversary. That little divorce thing in 1975 kinda got in the way.
Caitlin gets a birthday cupcake to celebrate with. Max gets his own, sans flameage. Grey Kitty looks on approvingly.
Wait for it. Waaaaaait for it!
Blow! Now that the gods of good fortune and continued existence have been propitiated by appropriate chanting and fire ceremony, you may eat the sacrifice.
Max unhinges his jaw and inhales the cupcake. That boy can eat! We hosed him down afterward.

After all of the eating and imbibing ended, we head off to the Pepsi Center (I hate that name!) to see Cirque du Soleil: Corteo. No photos are allowed (surprise!), so you'll just have to check out their website and enjoy my unbiased commentary.


Gush! Squeee!

There was the thing, with the other thing! The ladies on the chandelier! The lady inside the slinky! OK, it was a bunch of hula hoops and she was on the high wire, but she twirled a dozen or so metallic hoops around her middle and looked like she was inside a slinky! Dan would have approved. And she didn't fall off the wire. I always like that part. There was the trampoline bed jumping part and the guy on the ladder! A ladder, people! He was great! There was the dancing and singing and music and funny little clown scenes. There was the Little Person Valentina who was attached to these huge silver balloons who got tossed into the audience just like a human beach ball at a concert! The audience sort of bounced her around from one person to the next. There was more trampoline work where the guys went flipping down the length of the stage at high speed and then the lights came up and you saw the trapeze troop arrayed above the trampolines.

Then the Flinging of the Womenfolk! No actual trapeze gear was involved, just 4 big, burly, bare-chested guys swinging the women around and tossing them to and fro while the women did fabulous pirouettes and twirls in the air and failed to be dropped. More men flinging themselves around bars, 4 at a time!

And the singing and aerial dancing and clowns and music was so good and so loud that the twins started kicking up a storm. In time to the bass beats.

The kids loved it! I loved it! The whole group loved it. It was awesome!


And then it was time to go home. Caitlin passed out within the first 5 minutes. We dropped off Herb and Sue and put her to bed completely knocked out.

It was a good day.

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